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Solar Panels

Solar PhotoVoltaics (PV) panels are made layers of semi-conducting material (mostly silicon). As the light shines onto the cell, it creates an electric field across the layers. The sunlight is converted into electricity which is sent around the home to power electrical products.

Luckily direct sunlight is not needed and these solar PVs can still generate some electricity on a cloudy day. The stronger the sunlight, the more electricity is made.


Solar PV have the benefits of:

  • A free renewable source (sunlight)

  • Reducing the electricity bills

  • Reducing the carbon footprint, Solar PVs can prevent a tonne of carbon dioxide per year (30 tonnes in its lifetime) 

  • Selling the surplus back to the grid, if the Solar Pvs are generating more electricity than what is needed

The average domestic Solar PV can generate around 3.5KWp - 4KWp and can cost around £5,900 to install. 


Need to find out more:

Call us on: 016973 20483

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